Friday, November 21, 2014

The Positive Energy Exercise

The amount of quotes/phrases/analogies out there about life and what it means are endless. Some are eye opening, some are that aha moment Oprah always talks about. Others well are just simply spot on.

"Life is 10% what you’re given and 90% what you make of it" - Charles R. Swindoll

Does anybody believe in the cycle of karma? Hmmmm, a few sceptical eyes out there :)
But look at the above quote, ‘life is 10% what you are given and 90% what you make of it’, one of the simplest ways in day to day life to achieve that 90% is to send out positive energy.

Now what do I mean, when I say send out positive energy. If you are at school and the day doesn’t get planned your way, if you suddenly now have to have another hour of maths. Or if that pesky girl keeps getting on your nerves then simply take a breather, 5 minutes to remind yourself that getting angry is certainly not going to give you any help.

So you are meant to not scream, get flustered or punch the wall but take deep breathes as though you are in a meditation class. Why bother? Simple, because it is much healthier to just swallow that little storm and move on. Because one day in life you will receive storms that you could never expect or prepare for. Save your inner energy and try to enjoy everyday life before it’s ripped apart.

Think about it- why subject yourself to an endless cycle of turmoil emotionally, only to feel exhausted at the end of the day. By striving to simply just let it pass- you are doing yourself and the world around you a world of good.

There are bigger fish to fry than our everyday battles. Think about it, the people who are more happier are the ones who can deal well with not only the everyday and the mundane but the extraordinary also.  If you continuously practice to have positive energy in the small parts of the everyday, you will find yourself over time just simply saving your energy for the more important everyday tasks. So with more energy you can now fully use up that 90%, rather than waste it. If life is truly 10% what we are given and 90% what we make of it, then do everything in your power to exert that 90% to its full ability.

So the 101 to Positive Energy:

1. When the crisis occurs, stop, breathe and remind yourself to relax
2. Smile through the anger, even laugh if it helps
3. Envision yourself being happy and stress free
4. Don’t give up, if anger seeps in, beat it with positive thoughts, over and over again until you begin to believe the supposed lies you are feeding yourself
5. Life was never meant to be perfect so take it in its stride and don’t expect daises every morning
6. Take time to be alone once in a while and learn to be at peace with your circumstances. Sometimes too much exposure to our friends can lead us to envy their lives if we do not value our own.

At the end of the day, it’s about living the best life you can each and every day because as much as it sucks, there is no pause or rewind button but you do have the power to make things better.