If you’re 19 and on the verge of turning twenty at some point this year or already have, y’all are experiencing what I call the ‘20 something disease/syndrome/conundrum/whatever’! Cos I am and I think it has a cast a spell over my creative juices and so ladies and gentlemen ( it does not discriminate this disease I like to think ) here are a few Top 5 lists of things that are stressing me, on my mind, clouding my judgement and forever stifling my last few precious days of innocence.
Top 5 Stressors
1. Am I in the right degree? ( yes, 2nd year and still confused )
2. Job security? Will I get a job after I graduate?
3. Will I secure an internship during my degree?
4. Am I networking enough?
5. Will I be able to buy a house when I want to? ( the current housing market in Australia is a mess, y’all should be sweating like me (or not because you’re probably sane) )
Top 5 Life Questions
1. Am I good daughter/sibling? Do I spend enough time with family? ( soon you might be married up and gone )
2. More importantly, am I good friend? Am I there? Am I present? Do I do enough?
3. When and will I get married? halllah wait, who though? Black, white, Asian, mixed, alien ( I’ve been asked this before but I’m down with the swirl cos everybody is beautiful *cue music* )
4. Who am I? What happened to the girl in high school? I don’t know who this alien inhabiting my body is anymore!!!
5. Am I in the right place? Am I doing the right degree, making the right choices and priorities?
How about one more y’all, the mother of them all….
6. Will I have enough time to get everything done? You can interpret that for yourself, friends.
Top 5 Nonsense/Trivial Things to worry over for nothing
1. Do people think I’m funny in a good way? I have a comedic/humorous bone right? More importantly am I keeper?
2. Do I sound stupid when I talk cos I mumble a lot?
3. Wonder if I have time this week to schedule in all my tv shows instead of studying…
4. Can I afford to buy yet another packet of Coles 6 pack, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies? or another Betty Crocker packet mix?
5. When will I lose my fabulous metabolism? What do people see when they look at me?
Clearly I’m one, confused puppet, if you share any of my concerns or have completely different ones, leave us a comment and let me know… (Please, I can’t be the only soul in the world thinking such things…or am I?)
Here’s a final, coherent thought…What is it about your 20’s or what is the perceived notion about your 20’s that has so many of us confused?