Thursday, January 28, 2016

Static Silence Deafens Me

This is probably going to be the most confused, nonsensical, laissez-faire post I’ll have ever written but it’s going to reflect my state of mind for the last 6 months. This post for any living soul out there who regularly reads my posts will kind of explain my absence and just general lack of material.

 I hate that I keep comparing everything back to high school but that’s all I’m sure of compared to the present day. So in high school I was the type of person who was very sure of themselves, knew who they were and what defined them, understood my attributes and how they manifested in reality and where I stood in the world of high school. Now I feel like all that knowledge I had before is completely gone because I’m now in a new environment and I haven’t come full circle in terms of adjustment, self-awareness and feeling comfortable enough to truly immerse myself in life and have experiences. I’m finding that all this confusion and lack of answers is what I term as static silence- there’s no noise or that voice that’s always reassuring and edging you on, reminding you of who you are and why you’re going after something.

I find that having all this silence in your head sort of interferes with your ability to create goals and plans because you have nothing to mentally sound board ideas from .It kind of becomes like you have all these ideas or thoughts but you have nothing to attach it or base it on. You think well can I achieve this- am I capable? What makes me think I’m capable of for example having a blog and making it into what I deem successful? Currently I deem myself as just a wandering somebody with no direction, no tangible vision and no immediate drive.

Having a sense of no direction, goals or well thought out plans makes me feel like I have no potential left because I feel like I have nothing going for me and I’m not creating an environment for me to have something to chase after. A friend of mine helped me realise I’m telling myself a version of the truth I want to hear and not reality or the real truth. The real truth is if you don’t have any goals or solid plans you will feel like you have no potential to achieve anything when really it’s simply undiscovered and not non-existent. 

So the consequences or manifestations of this confusion and all the emotional and psychological stress is it somewhat leaves you feeling paralysed from fear and lack of strength to push yourself to the limits of self-awareness and discovery hence the deafening sensation. You’re trying to stay alert and survive but nothing comes in, sinks in and stays there.

The consequence of all this for the blog is that feeling mentally exhausted leaves you with no energy to experience life and from those experiences are where inspiration for material comes from. With no material there are no blog posts and hence there being nothing on this blog for the past 5 months or so. Other consequences are sort of going back to basics of a shell with no fillings as in hobbies or drive.

There’s no use constantly discussing things with no action. I know to get myself back to a good place where I feel comfortable and aware of myself I have to literally throw myself into life and continually try/ attempt to try to push myself out of my comfort zone.

So I’ve decided to sign up for dance classes, do something about drama/acting which has always been a big part of me and my identity I guess, a new FFF challenge however this time it’s 3S’s ( which I’ll talk about in another post after this one ) , continue to work on my fitness and just continue to push through it all, work on myself and just push through all the uncomfortable and hard questions because at the end of it all if you’re not better or stronger what was even the point?

I’m not sure if this at all made sense but I felt like writing down exactly what’s going on so I can continue to make more sense of it and perhaps someone out there gets this or has experienced something similar before.

Comment below on ways/things that helped you find yourself again and how you motivated yourself.